In the time of the Polish People’s Republic, advocate Edward Wende defended the rights of persecuted persons, including priest Jerzy Popiełuszko. After 1989, he became a Senator and later an MP. The award named after Edward Wende is given to individuals who, in their activity, have distinguished themselves with civil courage and unshakeable principles, who display the highest ethical standards and professionalism, and without an agenda act for public good.
By awarding the prize to professor Karol Modzelewski, the jury appreciated his exceptional achievements in protecting the rule of law, as well as strengthening democracy and the role of Poland in Europe.
“It is a great honour that we were able to participate in the organization of this year’s edition of the Edward Wende Award,” says advocate Mikołaj Pietrzak. “This year’s laurate, professor Modzelewski, is for many people a constant source of inspiration and motivation to act for the benefit of Poland,” advocate Mikołaj Pietrzak adds.