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(Polski) Starsze newsy
Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy named the best provider of business defence services in Rzeczpospolita’s national ranking of law firms
ECHR decision in the case of Drozd v. Poland
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg found that Poland had violated: Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights in the case of Drozd v. Poland (application no. 15158/19). The case concerned a one-year ban imposed on the applicants on entering the Sejm (the Polish Parliament’s lower house). They were banned for displaying a banner – which read “Defend Independent Courts” (Brońcie niezależnych sadów) – in the grounds of the Sejm during a protest against the Government’s planned reforms to the judiciary. The Applicants are represented by advocates Małgorzata Mączka-Pacholak and Paweł Osik, Pietrzak Sidor & Partners Law Firm.
Pietrzak Sidor & Partners Law Firm on Forbes magazine’s list of “Most Recommended Law Firms – Best Law Firms 2023”
The top 118 most recommended law firms in Poland were identified based on the number of recommendations received within each legal field. We’ve been recognized in the categories:
Let's settle war crimes in Ukraine! Lawyers fight for justice
Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, reports of violations of international humanitarian law and crimes under international law have continued unabated. A collection has been launched to support the Project Sunflowers – the fight for justice for victims of war.
ECHR decision in the case of Żurek v. Poland
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg found that Poland had violated: Article 6 § 1 (right of access to court) and Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights in the case of Żurek v. Poland (application no. 39650/18). The case concerns the premature termination of a judge’s – Waldemar Żurek – mandate as a member of the National Council of the Judiciary - the constitutional organ in Poland which safeguards the independence of courts and judges, his dismissal as spokesperson for that organ, and the alleged campaign to silence him. The Applicant is represented by advocates Mikołaj Pietrzak and Małgorzata Mączka-Pacholak, Pietrzak Sidor & Partners Law Firm.
ECHR decision in the case of Grzęda v. Poland
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg found that Poland had violated: Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair trial) of the European Convention on Human Rights. The case concerns Jan Grzęda, a judge elected to the National Council of the Judiciary whose term of office was prematurely terminated. The Applicant is represented by advocates Mikołaj Pietrzak and Małgorzata Mączka-Pacholak, Pietrzak Sidor & Partners Law Firm.
Rola obrońcy w niemieckim procesie karnym - wykład otwarty prof. Piotra Girdwoynia
(Polski) 2 marca br. prof. Piotr Girdwoyń - specjalista w zakresie prawa karnego i kryminalistyki oraz partner w naszej Kancelarii - poprowadzi wykład otwarty online pt. "Rola obrońcy w niemieckim procesie karnym", organizowany przez Koło Naukowe Niemieckiej Myśli Prawnej UW.
Interwencja wobec fotoreporterów pod Michałowem. Pełnomocnicy dziennikarzy złożyli zażalenia na zatrzymanie i przeszukanie
(Polski) Mec. Paweł Murawski i mec. Kamila Marciniak z Kancelarii Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy reprezentują dziennikarzy zatrzymanych przez żołnierzy poza strefą stanu wyjątkowego.
Zasada nieusuwalności sędziów sądów powszechnych zagrożona? Wnioski z debaty wokół planów spłaszczenia struktury sądownictwa i weryfikacji sędziów
(Polski) „Konstytucyjne granice zmian ustroju sądownictwa i statusu prawnego sędziów. (Nad?)użycie art. 180 ust. 5 Konstytucji RP” - to publikacja, w której zawarto podsumowanie Debaty Helsińskiej dot. zamiarów wykorzystania przez ministra sprawiedliwości art. 180 ust. 5 konstytucji, przewidującego wyjątek od zasady nieusuwalności sędziów. Efekt? Możliwe przymusowe przenoszenie sędziów między sądami lub przenoszenie ich w stan spoczynku. W debacie i publikacji udział wziął m.in. adw. Mikołaj Pietrzak, wspólnik w Kancelarii Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy.
Nawiążemy współpracę z Aplikantem Adwokackim/Radcowskim
Adw. Mikołaj Pietrzak z nagrodą "ECBA Scott Crosby Human Rights Award”
(Polski) Za wysiłki na rzecz przywrócenia niezawisłości sędziowskiej i praworządności w Polsce adw. Mikołaj Pietrzak – wspólnik w Kancelarii Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy – oraz Sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie Igor Tuleya, zostali uhonorowani nagrodą Scott Crosby Human Rights Award, przyznaną po raz pierwszy przez Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Adwokatów Karnistów (European Criminal Bar Association, ECBA).
Tęcza nie obraża. Sąd Rejonowy w Częstochowie umorzył postępowanie ws. prezentowania obrazu Matki Boskiej z tęczową aureolą
(Polski) Częstochowski sąd nieprawomocnie umorzył postępowanie karne przeciwko Klientowi Kancelarii w sprawie o obrazę uczuć religijnych. Orzeczenie dotyczyło zestawienia tęczowej kolorystyki z wizerunkiem Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej podczas Marszu Równości w Częstochowie. Obrońcą oskarżonego jest adw. Małgorzata Mączka-Pacholak z Kancelarii Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy.
Hearing before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Grzęda v. Poland
A hearing was held before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Grzeda v. Poland. The Government, the Applicant's representatives and the Commissioner for Human Rights presented their positions. The Applicant is represented by advocates Mikołaj Pietrzak and Małgorzata Mączka-Pacholak with adv. Adam Ploszka appearing as an adviser.
Kancelaria Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy nawiąże współpracę z aplikantem adwokackim
(Polski) Kancelaria Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy poszukuje prawnika do działu prawa karnego.
ICCBA's elections
The International Criminal Court Bar Association has elected its President, members of the Executive Council as well as Committee members. We are very proud to announce that Mikołaj Pietrzak has been elected to the Defence Committee.
“The European Arrest Warrant and in Absentia Convictions"
On 24 and 25 October in Maastricht a symposium was held on the subject of the European Arrest Warrant and in absentia convictions, in which attorney Urszula Podhalańska from the Pietrzak Sidor & Partners took part.
Overuse of pre-trial detention in Europe
Maria Radziejowska from Pietrzak Sidor & Partners participated in the "Overuse of pre-trial detention in Europe" conference organized in Brussels by Fair Trials.
Extradition and European Arrest Warrant – a seminar
Ms. Urszula Podhalańska represented Pietrzak Sidor & Partners at a seminar organised by ECCLE - European Center for Continuing Legal Education on 24 and 25 June.
Legal Experts Advisory Panel 2019
Attorney Maria Radziejowska represented the Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy Law Firm during the Legal Experts Advisory Panel 2019 (LEAP 2019), which took place on 15-16 March in Zagreb.
English-Polish Law Day
Katarzyna Dabrowska, advocate at Pietrzak Sidor & Partners, participated in a discussion during English-Polish Law Day coorganised by the Bar Council in London and the Warsaw Bar Association of Advocates on 19 March in London. “It is clear that not only the UK will be interested in maintaining current procedures concerning extradition or at least creating a new one which will be in many respects similar to the existing one” – she stated. "Mutual trust will most probably survive Brexit even if it is a no deal Brexit without any kind of agreement. However, the problem is a lack of any other legal basis for extradition than the European Extradition Convention of 1957 which is an inadequate procedural solution".
Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy thrice named the best provider of business defence services in Rzeczpospolita’s national ranking of law firms
For the third time in a row, Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy has been named the leader of the business defence section of the 16th national ranking of law firms compiled by Rzeczpospolita, a major daily newspaper.
Mikołaj Pietrzak appointed as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
We have the pleasure of announcing that Mikołaj Pietrzak has been appointed as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (UNVFVT).
Mikołaj Pietrzak is a leading Polish attorney specialising in corporate criminal defence
Mikołaj Pietrzak was classified in a European ranking by Chambers Europe as a leading Polish attorney specialising in white-collar crime.
ECtHR to hear the applications of secondary school leavers
The European Court of Human Rights has communicated the case of students whose secondary school final (matura) examination in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski was invalidated in 2011 due to the improper assistance they allegedly received in completing their exam papers.
Lawyers of Abd Al-Rahim Hussayn Muhammad Mr Al-Nashiri submitted representation to the International Criminal Court
Lawyers of Abd Al-Rahim Hussayn Muhammad Mr Al-Nashiri submitted representation to the International Criminal Court in the Hague in relation to the ICC Prosecutor’s request to the Court for authorization of investigation concerning the war in Afghanistan.
New grounds for claims of Swiss franc borrowers
The Regional Court of Warsaw has ordered a bank to return over two million zlotys to a client, having ruled that their contract was void. Artur Sidor, a partner at Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy, comments in a piece written for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna: “The judgment is not yet final but one may already speculate that it may be a valid authority for another string of successful lawsuits brought by Swiss franc borrowers, based on entirely different legal grounds as compared to the majority of cases litigated so far”.
Application of the European Arrest Warrant: a meeting of practitioners
Our firm’s associate Katarzyna Dąbrowska has appeared as a panellist at a meeting devoted to the application of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) organised in Brussels by the European Institute of Public Administration.
Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy named the best provider of business defence services in Rzeczpospolita’s national ranking of law firms
For the second time in a row, Pietrzak Sidor & Wspólnicy has been named the leader of the business defence section of a national ranking of law firms compiled by Rzeczpospolita, a major daily newspaper.
Homosexuals to bring a case against Poland in Strasbourg
There has been a breakthrough development on the way to introducing civil unions and marriage equality in Poland. Upon exhausting national judicial remedies and unflinched by threatening attempts of the General Prosecutor’s Office, same-sex couples from the Coalition for Civil Unions and Marriage Equality have submitted their applications to the Strasbourg Court, effectively bringing the case against Poland. Cases of two couples have been already given numbers, which means that those cases are now officially registered in the Court’s docket. If the Court rules in favour of any of the applicants, Poland will be obliged to introduce civil unions and/or marriage equality. “Keep your fingers crossed and stand for love”, urge Grzegorz and Krzysztof, one of the Coalition couples.
Advocate Mikołaj Pietrzak appointed to the Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
Advocate Mikołaj Pietrzak was appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations as one of the five members of the Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture.