Banking and restructuring law, financing of investments
CHF Loans
Compliance, legal security and crisis management
Constitutional and legislative law
Criminal law
Criminal law in business
Disciplinary proceedings
Economic law and commercial transactions
Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights
Intellectual property, media, personal data
International criminal law
Labour law
Lustration cases
Pharmaceutical law
Real estate law

Intellectual property, media, personal data

We advise in numerous intellectual property related matters.

Our experience includes, in particular:

  • advising on copyright issues and trademarks (copyright transfer agreements, license agreements, including preparation and negotiation of license agreements for a publicly-traded pharmaceutical company);
  • film production agreements, contracts with advertising agencies;
  • advice related to acquisition of Internet domains, conducting proceedings before an arbitration court for an Internet domain;
  • advice in unfair competition issues including forgery of products, misuse of goodwill and unfair advertising;
  • personal data protection (registration of personal data files, dealing with the GIODO, personal data processing agreements, consent to data processing, etc.);
  • advising on matters related to competitions, lotteries and games of chance, including preparing and negotiating related documentation.

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